04 August 2012

Max Mallowman

Perhaps less well known is that Agatha Christie was neither born Christie, nor did she remain married to Mr. Christie for her whole life (he had an affair, she found out about it and went missing for a period of time - for answers as to why she went missing watch Agatha with Vanessa Redgrave and Dustin Hoffman, or the Doctor Who episode The Unicorn and the Wasp - they got divorced). But, I digress, she later married an archaeologist named Max Mallowman and from the sound of it, they had a very happy marriage.
While I've been researching, one of my books has quoted him a few times, mostly on things he wrote or said about her work. Finding it rather amusing, I just had to share this poem by him:

In your books you condemn all that is foul and mean
Many's the party, but always kept clean.
Yours is the role of Morality Play
Wherein all the wicked find crime doesn't pay.
Blackmailer, killer, scoundrel and crook
Sooner or later are brought to the book.
- Max Mallowman

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