08 March 2013

a non-reading challenge related post! (what? those are possible?)

I realized that aside from the reading challenge and my word for the year I haven't updated the blog and, well, things have certainly changed since the last general update about my life and goings on. As I mentioned in the last post about the reading challenge I have moved. I moved up in the world from a hide-a-bed in a studio apartment to a bed in a proper bedroom! in a proper house! Not that I'm dissing the studio apartment or the hide-a-bed, they were great, and I had some pretty darn amazing roommates (and I'm not just saying that because they're family, it was a blast living with my brother and sis-in-law). Along with the upgrade I'm learning how to accept blessings from non-family, and I'm so thankful for my friends who have opened this room and their home to me rent-free.

The reason for the move is because of a job!! Yay! I spent the first day of December until early February job-hunting. Let me tell you, you don't want to know how many times and different ways I've re-worked my resume to apply to what felt like EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN! Thank you to those of you who have been praying for me in the job hunt. The prayer really meant so much; I'm sure it was a huge part in why I didn't give up, and why I have this new job. God's timing is perfect, and this job is a fun one!

Along with moving comes another interesting change, being back within easy distance to the church family that had been mine before I left for Scotland. I can't really express how exciting that is. While I'm doing my best to jump back in by hanging out and joining a lifegroup and letting myself be known here, again, I can tell that some of my fears of the reality of doing so are true. We have all changed, and while coming back is good and right and fun, and most importantly where God has me right now, it won't be as easy as coming back from a week away. In other words, I get the opportunity to be intentional about my word for the year in these relationships. I get to practice what renewal looks like in this setting.

There's more news to share, but I think that will have to be a part of another blog post. Thanks, again, for your prayers through my job hunt and all of my transitions.


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