Hello! I don't usually advertise with my blog, but I don't really consider this an advert. Yes, I will admit, I'm blogging about a particular give away that oh, hello friend is doing at the moment, but I also wanted to let you know about how I met and became aware of this blog/blogger. Although I'm not sure she remembers me, we were part of a community group together one summer a couple of years ago. Although I became closer with a few others in her lifegroup than I was with her, when I heard about her shop on etsy from the girls in her group I was hooked and have been following her ever since. A month ago now, when we both lost our good friend Ramon to his battle with cancer her post about getting to visit with Ramon in his last days really helped me. Especially since I'm so far away and couldn't actually be with Allie and Ramon in this season. I'm grateful for that connection, even though it was over the internet and for Danni's words about Ramon at that time and what an impact he had on her life.
Oh. I suppose this was supposed to be a blog post about the give away she's doing. It's fantastic, and a part of her "Reader Appreciation Week", which is so cool! How often does a blog spend a week appreciating their readers! Anyway, go check out oh, hello friend (here on her blog: http://ohhellofriendblog.com or here, on her etsy: http://www.etsy.com/shop/ohhellofriend?ref=ss_profile)
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