05 April 2016


As some of my regular readers may know, I work for one of the country's largest independent bookstores. Which is AMAZING! I love my job, and I love being surrounded by not only books, but fellow book lovers; readers. But one of the things of which I've become keenly aware while working at a bookstore is that there are so many books! Too many to read in a lifetime.

Although I've known that, obviously I've known that, for ages, it stirs in me both a desire to get more serious about my writing so I can join the leagues of people who have been published, and a fear that maybe I'm not supposed to be a writer. I have a bunch of half-formed ideas; settings, world-building facts, characters, situations, but nothing whole. Nothing complete. And when I attempt to finish what I've written I get stuck. Stuck on the possibilities of what could happen next.

I know the solution to my problem. The solution is simple: write. Write a lot. Write everyday. I know, having these fears puts me in the company of many of my favorite authors. And so I'm publicly (here, on my blog) sharing some of my writing in an attempt to encourage myself to write more. Even if I don't have regular readers here on my blog, I can pretend that there's an audience out there that I will disappoint if I fail at posting regularly. Which will, I'm sure, keep me more productive with my writing.

That's the hope at least.

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