03 August 2011


Hello Dear Readers,

If you've been here from the beginning of this grad school process, then you'll know the story I'm about to tell - in which case, just hang on for a bit, the latest news/announcement is coming shortly!

Back in November/December of 2009 I noticed that one of the ads on my facebook account was telling me to go study in Scotland. Thinking that it was for some undergraduate study-abroad program, I ignored it.
When, about a month later, it changed it's tune and started to advertise getting one's Masters in a year in Scotland, it regained my attentions. I don't think I'd ever followed an ad from facebook before, but I couldn't help it. It took me to this website for the Saltire Scholarship. I started looking at the different schools and programmes which worked with this scholarship, and after quite an interesting search found the one that captured my imagination: the Taught MLitt in the Novel from the University of Aberdeen. To make a long story short, I applied, was accepted, postponed my enrollment, spent a year trying to save, raise funds, and apply to scholarships - this one included. And today, after a couple months of waiting, I got this:

Thank you all for your prayers about this and the many other scholarships! I'm so blessed to have you all praying for me and my journey in this way. And tonight I intend to celebrate by doing what I've been doing on Wednesday nights this Summer - going to Downtown Disney to go swing dancing!


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